Monday, February 22, 2010

If Monta is a star, why did the W's comback without him?

Yes Monta played a hand in the victory, I admit that, but it wasn't him that got this team in the victory position in the first place. And why does he not cheer when his team is coming back? If the walking wounded can cheer why can't he? I think OJ Mayo would cheer. Let us get real, Monta is not a star, he is a very talented player who can get to the rim, but he is not a dude that makes his teammates better. He is a shorter Corey Magette. Magette gets his numbers but he doesnt make this team better. Stephan Curry makes this team better. I really appreciate Larry Riley wanting to see Monta and Curry play together, but when one (Monta) is jealous of the other (Curry) it really is never going to work. So go ahead Monta fans drink that ridiculous cool aid you been drinking and smoke what you have been smoking, but this team is Curry's and they will be much better for it. Great win W's I didn't think Nelson had it in him to bench Monta, maybe he has seen the light.

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