Friday, April 2, 2010
Maybe Morrow and Reggie Williams can coexsist...The W's WIN!!!
I got to admit, I left Morrow for dead...but with a very WEAK defensive team in the New York Knicks, Morrow ate them up. Reggie was his usual efficient self, Curry looked gassed and forced up a bunch of shots, but Morrow was the man of the hour. If Morrow can keep this up, the W's might need to reconsider the Raja Bell signing. Morrow is younger, hungrier, and still has some "UPSIDE". That last Assist they scored for David Lee was CRAP, but I will take a win anyday...damn the scorekeepers. One thing I did notice was my Teenage Ninja Turtle friend Al Harrington kinda looks like crap now. It actually wasn't Al's fault he got ridden out of town, but if you look at his limitation tonight, you know that he just isn't worth the money. I'm glad Nelson pulled the plug on Curry in the 4th after he kept shooting the ball reluctantly not trying to find Morrow. CJ does have his limitations, but when the guy is that on fire, YOU NEED TO FIND HIM!!! Yes this means you Curry. Finally, I'm sorry for this rambling, but I just want to give credit where credit is due, and if Morrow can do 1/2 of this against defenses that actually are trying to stop him, it looks like we should consider keeping him around alittle bit longer.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
That was a special team
My Buddy Baron chimned in about the We Believe W's, and seriously you, I and everyone knew that was special...SO WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH WAS IT BROKEN UP?!?!?!
I've got one word...COHAN...
Granted I do like Curry, and he has made Baron look silly this season, but DAMN, getting to the playoffs is a holy grail in these parts and I could not imagine how things would be like if everyone just stuck around.
My Buddy Baron chimned in about the We Believe W's, and seriously you, I and everyone knew that was special...SO WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH WAS IT BROKEN UP?!?!?!
I've got one word...COHAN...
Granted I do like Curry, and he has made Baron look silly this season, but DAMN, getting to the playoffs is a holy grail in these parts and I could not imagine how things would be like if everyone just stuck around.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Morrow is not long for the W's
When Reggie Williams comes off the bench first, when Williams can make a shot for himself, when Williams can pull up and actually make a jumper, it shows me 1 thing and 1 thing only. Anthony Morrow is not going to be a Warrior come next season. Forget the winds of change that is coming, Morrow is just getting outplayed by Reggie Williams. He has better handles, can distribute the ball, get open, and create for himself if things go wrong. I was actually at the game last night and I saw Dudley draped over Morrow and he could not get free. The time he did break free, he proceeded to throw up a brick. I don't know what happened to Morrow, maybe nothing happened, maybe this is how he always was. Williams is better, he might not be Evan Turner, but he is a nice guy to fill out the roster. Give the choice between Morrow and Williams, I am pumping up Williams once again.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
21 down and Magette is a Black Hole Part 52
You know Nelson just did the smartest thing EVER, he took Magette out again and the W's down a gazillion now have to come back. It didn't help that Curry started the half not wanting to pass, Magette took his lead and Wholla no ball movement. I guess the biggest problem with Magette other than not passing is his refusal to defend the rim or rebound. When you couple this with Tolliver and his ULTRA soft game, and you have a front court that has NO REBOUNDING POWER and NO Ability to DEFEND the rim. I don't know what the W's are gonna do with Magette, he is not conducive to ball movement.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Huff is causing a problem
3M? at least it was just a 1 year contract, but damn...How hard is it to play first? Maybe the Giants need to rethink this strategy. I wish they didn't demote Pill and just give him a chance. Sabean has made much bigger mistakes than handing a guy 3M. I hope he comes up with a backup plan sooner rather than later.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The W's just won and they better find a way to keep Reggie Williams
In fact, I think Reggie Williams just took Morrow's roster spot. In all honesty I don't know who goes, but Reggie Williams MUST and I repeat MUST stay. I gotta give props to Devean George, he plays much better than Marco could ever play...and sometimes Corey Magette too.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The W's are game against the Lakers, but WHAT UP with all the Laker fans?
Curry is hacking again, nothing new there, the W's are winning at half time, nothing new there either. What is disturbing is the Oracle is full of Laker fans. I guess since most of us want to boycott games now, the Lakers brought there fan. I am sorry to see this, but so far the game is competative. Will Nelson make halftime adjustments? Probably not...but good game so far nonetheless...GO W's!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Buster Posey is NOW!!!
The Giants better not keep Posey in TripleA. I know they want him to get more catching experience, but the dude's bat is legit.
I like Reggie Williams better than Morrow
You know, I hate to say it, but Reggie Williams looks better than Anthony Morrow. Williams has better handles, he defends better, and with Morrow not as good as he used to be shooting 3's, Williams is a much better bet in the long run. I would love the W's to pass on Morrow and sign Williams for next season.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The REFS Suck and so do the Warriors
What happens when you start building a house in the 4th quarter and the refs do everything in there power to help the other team win? You lose. I dont know why I watch the Warriors anymore. It has been a tough road, and I jsut can't stomache it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ok I lied...and Charles Barkley is right!
Ok I lied, the W's came back against an abismal Pistons team and I am back to my question, Monta WHO? Charles was talking to Tommy T the other day and he said the W's should have traded Monta, since they werent winning with him. I don't know if the W's are going to be any good on the upcoming road trip, but this team has alittle bit of fight in them that is for sure. To Piston fan, I bet you wish you had Chauncey Billups more than I wish the W's still had Baron...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I Miss Monta
Yes I miss the guy. I still wish we dumped him for OJ Mayo, but since that didnt happen, I'm really disgusted at the ball movement tonight. I even felt bad for the guy against Denver. He was MIA in the 4th and it was because Nelson went away from him. But back to this game. The W's are down by 2, but the ball movement is SAD, the score is SAD, and Curry could really use a blow. Monta would be really good to slash into the lane. So for today, I miss the guy.
GO W's
GO W's
Monday, February 22, 2010
If Monta is a star, why did the W's comback without him?
Yes Monta played a hand in the victory, I admit that, but it wasn't him that got this team in the victory position in the first place. And why does he not cheer when his team is coming back? If the walking wounded can cheer why can't he? I think OJ Mayo would cheer. Let us get real, Monta is not a star, he is a very talented player who can get to the rim, but he is not a dude that makes his teammates better. He is a shorter Corey Magette. Magette gets his numbers but he doesnt make this team better. Stephan Curry makes this team better. I really appreciate Larry Riley wanting to see Monta and Curry play together, but when one (Monta) is jealous of the other (Curry) it really is never going to work. So go ahead Monta fans drink that ridiculous cool aid you been drinking and smoke what you have been smoking, but this team is Curry's and they will be much better for it. Great win W's I didn't think Nelson had it in him to bench Monta, maybe he has seen the light.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I mean I respect Monta for what he did on this team, but HIM and CURRY are OIL and WATER and you know what happens when those two things combine. The FRIKIN #2 pick and OJ MAYO. Yes Thabeet is kinda sad, but I would give MONTA up for Mayo by himself if I could. I HATE HATE HATE LARRY RILEY!!! Can we agree if not now, then bookmark this damn post and we can agree later that Monta and Curry just dont work?
I REALLY HOPE I AM WRONG. After all I am just a Scrub who just wants to watch a decent product. Monta must go, seriously if I am wrong I will sing praises and blow the BLOGS up about it, but I am 110% sure that I am right on this one. In fact if I am wrong and Curry and Monta can turn this around together, I will SHUT THIS Blog down.
I mean I respect Monta for what he did on this team, but HIM and CURRY are OIL and WATER and you know what happens when those two things combine. The FRIKIN #2 pick and OJ MAYO. Yes Thabeet is kinda sad, but I would give MONTA up for Mayo by himself if I could. I HATE HATE HATE LARRY RILEY!!! Can we agree if not now, then bookmark this damn post and we can agree later that Monta and Curry just dont work?
I REALLY HOPE I AM WRONG. After all I am just a Scrub who just wants to watch a decent product. Monta must go, seriously if I am wrong I will sing praises and blow the BLOGS up about it, but I am 110% sure that I am right on this one. In fact if I am wrong and Curry and Monta can turn this around together, I will SHUT THIS Blog down.
With Monta back, the W's lose again...
I swear I didnt watch the game, so I am not even going to comment other than the fact the team lost. Sheesh what is it about Monta that lends this team to suck? Magette too, but we all know why they struggle with Magette. I am just boycotting this team for the rest of the season. It is just getting too painful to watch.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Future is NOW...Monta WHO?...W's win again!!!
I'm sorry I keep wanting the W's to punt Monta, but the proof is in the pudding, the W's are better when Monta is not around. Let us throw in Magette into this converstaion, but DAMN when those two are not around, the ball moves around. Even Devan George looks to be a better option, ok I'm just kidding, but seriously the future is NOW. You know who I am talking about...This has got to be Curry's team...Bring in OJ Mayo, bring in anyone to move Monta and Magette's salaries, the W's need Curry to grow like he is doing right now. When Monta is out, they play better. When Monta is out Curry looks more sure of himself, when Monta is out, Curry is a STAR!!! Seriously when Monta is out, Curry looks like the ROY not Tyreke. Tyreke is still good, but seriously he reminds me of Magette. Tonight he was driving, jumping in the air and praying for someone to pass it to. There is not vision, in fact you can argue Evans is like Magette and Monta combined. Curry is NASH, the second coming, Nash 2.0 and this is not a bad thing. I'll take OJ, I'll take almost anyone to dump Monta's salary. Monta will in NOWAY accept Curry as the undisputed #1 of this team and that is why he has to go. Punt Monta now or when Ellison takes the helm, the writing is on the wall...
OJ for Monta HELL YES!!!!
The problem with this deal, is the Warriors said NO, probably NO 1000 times, but i say YES YES YES!!! Why? Get Curry at PG Mayo at SG Morrow maybe at SF or backup SG Randolph at SF/PF Wright at PF and whoever at Center...sounds good to me. Why not blow this thing up since the management did the blowing up already, and start over ala OKC. Let us take some real lumps like losing while giving the young team a chance to grow together. This keeping Monta for the sake of selling tickets is BAD. If that is what they wanted, they should have never gotten rid of JRICH, Baron, MP, Barnes, Jackson, I need to go on? Let us start new and fresh and show some direction...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Curry's Career Night leads to the question...Who Needs Monta?
Or Magette for that matter...Damn the W's were on hit tonight, crazy ball movement lead to open buckets. No standing around looking at Ellis or Magette going one on one. But the star of the show was Curry. And I suggested before this post that the W's punt Monta, it even screams louder now. CJ should be the backup, Morrow should be the SG, and Curry needs to dominate the ball. If the W's brass did not see it before they should see it now. Yes the Clips suck, but the W's ball movement was crazy good tonight, and that is how it can look without Monta. Congrats Curry you are MONEY!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Quick, TRADE MONTA for expiring contracts
So the Warriors lost to the Mavericks last night. That is not new, but what was new is Curry actually looking like he can drive and distribute. I don't remember this happening for some time now if ever. If this is going to start being the norm, and Cohan wants to save money anyways, it is time to PUNT MONTA NOW!!! Curry needs this to be his show for him to bust out. He is really good now, but the sky is the limit. As for the game, I actually was there and it wasn't too bad of a game. CJ is just awful and i would get rid of him and try to keep Coby Karl since he is just as bad at shooting but better at passing. Biedrins looks like a shadow of himself, and Turiaf needs to shoot freethrows better. Monta is good, but a backcourt of Curry and Morrow is SO MUCH BETTER. I don't even mind Magette at the SF, the W's just need to punt Monta now before Curry takes over this team entirely and Monta's trade value is nil. Monta needs to go now, there is no if and or buts.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Peyton is no Joe
Man I swear this past week the only thing I could hear is Peyton is better than Joe...BLAH BLAH BLAH... In a game that was supposed to vault Manning into the next echelon of QB supremecy, he performed pretty good by throwing for 300 yards, but he did throw a INT and his team lost. Joe doesnt lose, Joe doesnt throw pics and Joe wins. Peyton might have nice #s, but give me a break... Peyton plays in an era when there might be 4 top teams...2 in the AFC and 2 in the NFC. Joe played in an era where almost everyteam was tough to beat...ok well except the Rams...maybe next year Peyton, but even if you win then, you are no Joe...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Monta is not an All-Star...again...
David Stern passed over puting Monta into the all star game last night, and what did Monta do in response? He went for 46 against the Mavs. What was more dissapointing about the 46 was that CJ Watson decided to try to call his own number to close out the game and proceeded to make brick after brick along with a couple of turn overs. With maybe a smarter PG on the court like say CURRY maybe Monta goes for 50 easily. The problem I guess is that Curry is ICE cold right now, but for the sake of development, KEEP HIM IN NELSON!!! As for my take on Monta not being an allstar, it is what it long as the W's continue to have Cohan at the top of the tree, Bad Luck with lay firmly on the shoulders of this team.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Ben Sheets for 10M?!?!
Ok so my buddy is an A's fan so I decided to write a blurb on this and yeah I know it is an semi-old topic but it is the only thing I have to comment on about the A's so far. TEN MILLION!!!! (&@#$^#)$*^#)$^*)@^#@ Is it me are did that guy not pitch at all last season? He didnt even throw 1 FRIKIN pitch and he gets 10M. Granted before he got hurt Sheets actually started looking like a decent pitcher so instead of being hateful, let us look up the stats.
08 198innings 3.09ERA 158Ks
07 141innings 3.82ERA 106Ks
06 106innings 3.82ERA 116Ks
What can we extrapolate from this? NOT 10Million!?!? This contract isn't even incentive laden, it is just straught up. Now can we say Mark Prior? I hope I am wrong, but Sheets is ALWAYS hurt, and he has never gone 200innings. I mean Pedro is still out there if you wanted a pitcher who is always hurt...
08 198innings 3.09ERA 158Ks
07 141innings 3.82ERA 106Ks
06 106innings 3.82ERA 116Ks
What can we extrapolate from this? NOT 10Million!?!? This contract isn't even incentive laden, it is just straught up. Now can we say Mark Prior? I hope I am wrong, but Sheets is ALWAYS hurt, and he has never gone 200innings. I mean Pedro is still out there if you wanted a pitcher who is always hurt...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Can we just blow this team up?
The W's are going nowhere fast, so I thought I would pencil what is supposed to be the future for the w's.
C-Biedrins - almost 10M per UGH
PF-Bwright/Randolph - never plays or headcase
SF-Magette - 10M a year
SG-Monta - 10M a year
So basically it is going to be almost the same team with no superstar in site. I say the W's blow this thing up. Punt Monta, Punt Biedrins...although his value is shot, Punt Magette as much as he had performed quite well this season and I hate to say this, but Punt Don Nelson. Go through some legit growing pains like the trailblazers did, like the thunder and OMG I can't believe I am saying this but the Memphis Grizzlies. Something has got to change.
C-Biedrins - almost 10M per UGH
PF-Bwright/Randolph - never plays or headcase
SF-Magette - 10M a year
SG-Monta - 10M a year
So basically it is going to be almost the same team with no superstar in site. I say the W's blow this thing up. Punt Monta, Punt Biedrins...although his value is shot, Punt Magette as much as he had performed quite well this season and I hate to say this, but Punt Don Nelson. Go through some legit growing pains like the trailblazers did, like the thunder and OMG I can't believe I am saying this but the Memphis Grizzlies. Something has got to change.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Ok I lied...The Warriors lose to a real NBA team...
I found myself watching the game. I don't know what is up with Curry, being a PG doesn't mean let us bring it up the floor and make a lazy pass. Monta is playing an ok game, he seems to be forcing the issue alittle. Also can I buy a Anthony Morrow? early season version? 3-13 or whatever after 3qtrs is just not going to cut it. Give the Bobcats credit, they are a REAL NBA team. Not this crap that we are rolling out. Radmonovic? seriously that is what we got for Stephen Jackson...BARF...Tolliver? Please stop shooting 3s!!! PLEASE!!! and ANYONE who thinks CJ is any good is RETARDED!!! Can I get last season's Biedrins? Can Monta start practicing his FTs instead of that stupid circus shot? and Can Ronny buy a FT? just one...I wish Curry stops turning it on when the game is already out of reach, he seems to be getting very good at that.
Boo Stephen Jackson if you want...
I am taking a different approach to his arrival. As much as I have been enjoying watching the W's this season(ok not really), I am boycotting tonights game. Not because the team sucks, but because SJax is back and he has left a scar in my heart. After being welcomed with open arms, the guy took the money and ran. I have no ill will to JRich, Harrington, MP, Barnes, Baron or anyone else from that team that actually made it to the playoffs, but Jackson hits home. In this day and age where we are stuggling to make a living, Jackson getting his contract, then pouting like a baby to get the hell out of dodge really disturbs the hell out of me. So I hope Oracle BOOs the hell out of him and I hope the W's do something about defending there home court tonight.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dear Chris Cohan,
I read a story today where Larry Ellison is trying to buy the Warriors and nothing would make me happier than if you sold the team to him. I understand you are trying to get top dollar for the team, but when you field a team that sucks year in and year out, maybe you should not expect too much. I realize that you feel that this team is worth alot, and because we bay area fans are suckers for wanting to watch basketball regardless of wether the product is good or not, you should know that you are unworthy of getting top dollar. Please sell now and let us be purged of your poorly run franchise. Who knows, we might even throw a party in your honor when that happens.
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
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